215-260-4881 gail@gailcummings.com


Pivots, Permission, and Leaves, Oh My!

Pivots, Permission, and Leaves, Oh My!Are you considering a change? As the leaves are changing colors, I find Fall is an ideal time to check in with ourselves about whether our career is on track and we need a change. Is your current work situation in alignment with...

What’s kindness got to do with it?

Research shows that engaging in acts of kindness can improve your mood by boosting levels of serotonin and dopamine, neurotransmitters that produce feelings of satisfaction and well-being and cause the pleasure center in your brain to light up.

The Key to Successful Negotiating

Clients tell me they know exactly what they want and need. Asking for it is another story.

They Say It’s Your Birthday!

No matter our age, it seems commonplace for many of us to “take inventory” on our birthdays.