215-260-4881 gail@gailcummings.com

Effecting change in a new year

Research shows that more than 80% of New Year’s resolutions fail. Why? Because the expectations we set for ourselves are too big, too many, and too unrealistic. So, what can we do if we want to make changes and be successful?

  • Take small steps. Rather than committing to a new full-time gym regimen, commit to exercising once or twice a week. Then increase that incrementally when the once or twice a week becomes a habit that fits and feels good.
  • Adopt one new nutritional idea. Rather than cutting out sweets all together, commit to a smaller portion size on a daily basis and find new food recipes that are healthy and sweet (they do exist).
  • Do the best you can. Rather than strive for perfection, which can be demoralizing, give yourself permission to do your best and be accepting of that new standard.
  • Give yourself credit. Rather than notice what you aren’t doing, acknowledge the progress you do make, however small, and keep a list of accomplishments posted where you can see it everyday.
  • Have fun! Rather than adopt expectations that focus on deprivation, focus on ways to make these changes fun – exercise with a friend, create a new playlist for work outs, and exchange recipes with others looking for healthier options.

Please call for a 15-minute complimentary phone session at 215-260-4881 if you’d like to talk about what you need and how I can be of assistance. If you know of anyone who might need my help, please pass this email along.

I look forward to working with you on effective changes,

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215-260-4881 - gail@gailcummings.com