215-260-4881 gail@gailcummings.com

One Heart at a Time

On a recent road trip, I stopped in Charlotte, North Carolina and discovered the city loves public art. It boasts over 60 murals, one of which caught my eye and my heart – the Confetti Hearts Wall Mural by artist Evelyn Hanson in the South End neighborhood.

Hanson says that her idea for the painting sprang from a desire to spread love like confetti. She defines love to include bringing a sense of joy and kindness to someone in their everyday lives. Hanson “became obsessed with public art in just the way it stops somebody in [the moment] and gives them a chance to breathe and reflect on something outside their stress.”

Hanson emphasizes that “every act of kindness is like a heart on the wall and together they add up to something big, bright and beautiful.” She hopes that when an individual stops to experience her mural it will fill them with a sense of gratitude and that they will be more willing to give love.

I know when I bumped into her mural, it filled me with a sense of joy and a desire to share it with all of you! Considering all that is going on in the world right now, spreading joy and kindness could not be more important.

Some small steps towards spreading joy and kindness:

  • Gift a bouquet of flowers to a friend – for no reason at all.
  • Take on a household chore when it’s not your turn to do so.
  • Say hello to, and make eye contact with, the security guard, cleaning staff and delivery people at your office.
  • Include a new work colleague in a lunch invitation.
  • Bring soup to an ailing family member.
  • Tell someone how much you appreciate something they did.
  • Compliment a friend, family member or colleague.
  • Send a handwritten note to a grandparent.

How do you propose to “spread love like confetti”? I would love to hear your thoughts and ideas on the matter. I am here to support you, and simply an email or a phone call away.

If you need additional guidance or just want to chat, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me at gail@gailcummings.com or 215-260-4881. If you know of anyone who might need my help, please pass this email along. I am here to support you, and just an email or a call away.

Wishing you success in achieving your goals,


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215-260-4881 - gail@gailcummings.com