215-260-4881 gail@gailcummings.com

Happy September! 

Welcome Back

Welcome back!

I hope you have had time this summer to recharge, renew and refresh – and are ready to have a productive and enthusiastic September. After spending some time at the beach with my family and my favorite dog, I am back in my office and available to help. Now is a great time of year to clean off your desk, reprioritize your agenda, and make those projects that have been lying dormant happen.

Please consider reaching out if:

  1. You are thinking about starting a search for a new position or contemplating a transition to a new career. I can help you strategize, put a plan in place, and be accountable – so your search is practical and successful.
  2. You are challenged by your organization’s politics and need some guidance to navigate relationships with your colleagues to get more and different growth opportunities in your career.
  3. You are working on developing business and need some encouragement and advice on how to make the “ask.”
  4. You are drafting your self-evaluation/compensation memo and need some guidance on how to ask for a raise, a new title, or a promotion, or need a second, objective opinion on the style, substance, and strength of the memo.
  5. You need to get more done in less time than you have, and want some guidance on time management, including how to say “no.”

I am available for a 15-minute complimentary phone session at 215-260-4881 if you’d like to talk about what you need and how I can be of assistance. If you know of anyone who might need my help, please don’t hesitate to pass this email on to them.

With best wishes for a Happy September,

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215-260-4881 - gail@gailcummings.com