215-260-4881 gail@gailcummings.com

Pivot, Anyone?

Covid has caused us to reevaluate many aspects of our lives and ask the questions:

What am I doing with my life? Is this what I really want?

In response, many of us – across the age span – are making the decision to do something different in our personal or professional lives.

These pivots can be small or large. In my case, I am adding group coaching to my practice. These groups will focus on professional issues including a can-do mindset, time management, communicating clearly and effectively, establishing and maintaining relationships, and developing business. Keep your eyes open for more information on the inaugural coaching group this Fall!

As for my clients, some have already pivoted during the pandemic. One left Big Law to follow his entrepreneurial dreams of starting a hospitality company (true confession: this former lawyer is my son, not a paying client); another left Big Law to become the general counsel of a sustainable energy start-up; an investment analyst client left the East Coast to do finance in Chicago. Lastly, a client who is a fashion industry senior executive negotiated a permanent remote work situation with her employer and moved her family from NYC to South Carolina to be closer to extended family. And so far, the reports coming back from them are positive.

  • If this is the year to pivot in your career, what action steps are you taking?
  • What can you do to start your own pivoting process?
  • Begin by asking yourself what is making you unsatisfied or unhappy, and what specifically would you change if you could.

For those of you interested in executive coaching and who might like to join a group, please drop me an email or call at 215.260.4881 so we can chat about what you need. I am here to support you, and just an email away.

Stay safe, stay healthy, stay sane,



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215-260-4881 - gail@gailcummings.com